Tuesday, May 24, 2011

flats challenge day 2

Life isn't so bad here in flats land. I found that an origami fold work best for us. I folded up all the flats into the origami fold during laundry so it is much more convenient come changing time. I did not like pad folding at all. That was just one leaky mess. I found rinsing dipes as they are used helps a lot. Its also a lot less hassle to do laundry every am. Dipes dry while we are out and don't take too long to wash in the morning.
     I decided to wash in my tub because I think this is the most logical solution for a cash strapped mom. Not easy on the back but manageable. I do not let my kiddos bathe (just showers) because of UTI's so I just spray the tub with a little bleach water and it is clean enough for me to feel okay about washing in the tub. (my tub is actually much cleaner than usual right now)
    I swung by Ikea today to grab some of their "flats." Where I live Ikea is very convenient and I figured a lot of mom's couldn't place an online order. I really want to be able to help parents in my community so I wanted to find a solution to buying diapers online. Ikea had a pack of three dipes (they are burp cloths but they are just like flats. same size and material) for 3.99. Perfect for a mom on a tight budget with no access to online ordering. I used one of the Ikea dipes and I can't tell any difference between it and the flats I ordered online. Perfect solution!

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