Friday, May 27, 2011

Flats day 5- my flats saved a mommy's night out!!

By day 5 of this challenge I admit to being a bit over the hand washing idea. My fingers are dry and it's just not a lot of fun. The flats are okay for day to day use; they are simple enough and fairly hassle free. I do love my washer!! My flat diapers came in handy tonight and gave me just enough love for them to plug through the weekend!!
  Tonight I got a call while out running errands. A couple friends wanted me to join them for dinner. I haven't had a girls night out since before my 5 month old was born. It sounded fun but I did not have a diaper bag with  me. My baby was hungry and I did not have anything that even resembled a nursing cover. I am not a whip it out in public kinda girl so no nursing cover meant we were going to head home. I almost sent the "sorry not tonight" text when I remembered I put a few flat diapers in the pocket of my car just in case. A flat diaper makes a perfect nursing cover!! (No one knows it is really a diaper but me. I even had one of the cute flats with prints!) I can honestly say I do not have a single pocket diaper that could double as a nursing cover in an emergency. I had a great evening and thankful for my flat diapers!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

flats challenge day 2

Life isn't so bad here in flats land. I found that an origami fold work best for us. I folded up all the flats into the origami fold during laundry so it is much more convenient come changing time. I did not like pad folding at all. That was just one leaky mess. I found rinsing dipes as they are used helps a lot. Its also a lot less hassle to do laundry every am. Dipes dry while we are out and don't take too long to wash in the morning.
     I decided to wash in my tub because I think this is the most logical solution for a cash strapped mom. Not easy on the back but manageable. I do not let my kiddos bathe (just showers) because of UTI's so I just spray the tub with a little bleach water and it is clean enough for me to feel okay about washing in the tub. (my tub is actually much cleaner than usual right now)
    I swung by Ikea today to grab some of their "flats." Where I live Ikea is very convenient and I figured a lot of mom's couldn't place an online order. I really want to be able to help parents in my community so I wanted to find a solution to buying diapers online. Ikea had a pack of three dipes (they are burp cloths but they are just like flats. same size and material) for 3.99. Perfect for a mom on a tight budget with no access to online ordering. I used one of the Ikea dipes and I can't tell any difference between it and the flats I ordered online. Perfect solution!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

2 days in- where we stand

Our flats are the only diapers in rotation for 2 days and counting. A quick note on what has worked and what has not. We are right in the middle of moving so life is CRAZY!

--night time- I am using flats and a wool cover. They are doing the job. I am using an origami fold for now. I left both of my snappi's at the new house the night before last. It was so frustrating. That is exactly why I have 20 of everything. With 4 kids running around things ALWAYS get misplaced. It really put me in the thought process for a minute about how hard it would be to only have a couple of necessities instead of them popping out of every corner. What if I lost one and could not purchase another? Those snappis are so tiny they could be lost in a minute. I was able to kinda tie his flat enough to go under the wool cover and it worked fine.

--days- the simply pad folding and sticking in a cover did not work for me. My baby is still only breastfed and poop went right on out of that setup. I am using the origami fold under his covers with a snappi. Better results. I still have to wash covers every time he poops but they seem to dry quickly. With only 5 covers its a little worry some--once again I am used to have way more than enough necessities.

--washing- I defiantly recommend every night. I ended up using the bathtub. I figured no matter what financial situation I was in I would probably have a bathtub in my home. I used some Rockin Green soap I had that I don't use for the washing machine anymore. I rinsed- washed (the scratchy bottom of my tub was perfect for washing) let them soak for a half hour or so then rinsed them one more time. I used the shower to rinse so the water stayed fairly clean. I smelled each diaper before deciding they were clean. (I hope) Line drying outside as I type. It is cold here in Arizona so I hope these dipes will dry fast!

  The hardest thing for me is the very limited supplies. I left snappis at the new house and had none. Last night I left a cover over there and had to make due without it. I take for granite how nice it is to never run out of anything. I always leave stuff, stuff goes between couch cushions, under beds-who all eventually reappears and I never miss it. I am very thankful to be in the position my family is in. I will appreciate my 20 pacifiers, 50 diapers and 8 baby nail clippers a little more now!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A little off topic but it IS swimsuit season!

David is baby number 3 and he is just over 4 months old. We finalized plans for a California trip in July and a swimsuit is a pressing issue. I am close to pre baby size but I am not there and breastfeeding is no help in the bathing suit department. I found a swimsuit at Costco but 60 bucks for each piece plus tax was just a bit too much for me at that moment. Lucky for me I came across this website and I think I am going to hand over the cash and go for it!! (Although I entered a contest and hope to win a suit for free!!) I need something to be comfortable in and this suit seems pretty but not too revealing! I am going to choose the mango mudd SOS tankini top. I do not think the V-neck and breastfeeding boobies are a good combo!
   I love that they have silicone inserts so when I am done breastfeeding next summer I can fix my swimsuit!!

Anyone tried these suits??

How are we preparing (prepared) for the handwashing challenge??

This was an easy one for me after I decided to participate. I already had all my supplies on hand.
1 12 pack flats (cost was about 21 bucks)
1 6 pack flats- these are the cute ones with patterns. Obviously not what I would buy in a financial pinch but they were cute. (these were about 16 bucks)
2 snappis- I have no idea the cost on these I bought them when I was 8 weeks pregnant
1 econobum one size cover (this was free with a purchase I made)
2 bummis super lite wraps (10 bucks each)
1 sweet peas wool cover (this was given to me as a hand me down)
1 handmade wool shorties (20 bucks)

Supply wise that is it. We are only allowed to have 5 covers in our stash so that concerns me a little. I have never had much luck with prefolds because one my baby poops we are in a new cover. Lucky for me I live in Arizona and its almost the end of May. Thins dry outside really fast.

I am learning different folds right now. I do not like the kite fold too much. It didn't fit my baby well and we had a leaky diaper last night. (Not until this am but the flat wasn't really that wet so it should not have leaked at all.) The origami fold seems a little better fitted. I can not get it to fold up really neat but we are working on it.

I have not figured out the washing part yet. I have a nice big sink that diapers will get washed in. They will line dry outside on a drying rack. I already line dry everything so that is not a concern. I am not sure how to wash them and what to wash them with. I will spend the next couple days figuring out the wash routine. I plan on washing them every night. I have enough dipes that I could go 2 days if I need to.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tonight our challenge begins!! (we are starting the flats challenge early!!)

My washer and dryer are due to be picked up first thing tomorrow am. My last load of diapers is washing as I type and the flats are ready for action. I am a little leery of them after an accident with a snappi tonight. I put a flat diaper on my son for bed and used the snappi to close it. Somehow I sliced the side of my finger. Its not horrible but it hurt and left a pretty good cut. It worries me because I am not sure how I did it and I would hate to see that happen to my baby. I will use more caution with the snappi's for sure. Other than that, I am very confident our flats challenge will be a success. The flat seems sung enough and the snappi seems to keep it tight enough even with wiggling.                                       
 Our diaper stash ready for the move

Night 1- David went to bed with a flat diaper in a kite fold with a snappi. I am using a wool cover. The wool I picked for overnights is a sugarpeas brand. I wanted to stick to handmade wool covers but for overnight I am going to use the sugarpea cover. I do not want to change wet sheets in the middle of the night. I think trying flats at night is a big enough step!

The flats challenge stash

Friday, May 13, 2011

Why I am joining the flats and handwashing challenge

For 1 week my family will put away all of our "real" diapers and only use flats, snappis, and 5 diaper covers. The washer and dryer will get a much needed vacation because we will wash our diapers only by hand.  Why on Earth would we do this??
--to raise awareness about how dangerous it is to let babies stay dirty to save diapers. This is a sad and dangerous trend happening right here in the US, in our towns, right in front of us.
--many families in this situation are unaware of cloth diaper options. They don't know how to use them or care for them or even where they can get them.
--to show the above families how easy cloth diapers can be even with very limited resources.

My personal reasons for taking the challenge:

--my family will be without a washer and dryer for 2 weeks for real- this is going to save countless trips back and forth between the new house and old house to wash diapers. We will do the challenge a bit longer than everyone else so that I am not making extra diaper wash trips across town.

--I am training to be an RDA circle leader- what an awesome hands on experience to have. I can relate to community members that might have very very limited resources and truly NEED to cloth diaper. I can show them how I did it, what worked and what did not.

--I want to get my cloth diaper service project off the ground. I want to diaper babies in my community that are in desperate need. I see this as an icebreaker to what I hope will be a very successful campaign someday!!

I will update my blog on a daily basis to document our trials and errors of flats and hand washing! I have never used a flat before other than stuffing a pocket diaper with it so this will be interesting!!